Answers to your questions
About teaching
Will it be possible to use Gudrutis Dutis in class?Will it be possible to use Gudrutis Dutis both live in the classroom and remotely (online)?What kind of device would a teacher need in order to use Gudrutis Dutis in class?What devices would students need to use Gudrutis Dutis in class?What kind of exercises can be expected?Will it be possible to use Gudrutis Dutis for individual learning at home?What kind of device would a child need in order to use Gudrutis Dutis ar home?
Support for teachers
Will there be tools to monitor students' learning progress?Will it be possible to create tasks that the students will solve during the lesson?Will it be possible to create homework assignments?Will there be an opportunity to communicate with other teachers and share experiences/thoughts with each other?
Support for parents
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